Toner All 3 Mockups-01.png

You get to choose how well you treat your skin. Taking care of your skin is an act of self care. It should make you feel healthy and beautiful. I wanted the packaging of this design to be rewarding to look at and communicate beauty and health.

Target Audience: 15-60 year old people of all genders that care about self care. Low to Medium income (the product is $5 which is low price for skincare products). Notable selling point is making skincare accessible to lower income people and non feminine people.

I started the process by sketching ideas for the design, getting critique, and then choosing a route to flesh out further.

After finalizing a route, I created and refined the designs digitally over all three variaitons.

Mockup Toners Birch Milk.png

Beyond Belief’s refreshing Birch Milk toner redesigned in April 2021.

Mockup Toners Matcha-01.png

Beyond Belief’s protecting Matcha toner redesigned in April 2021.

Witch Hazel Variation

Witch Hazel Variation

Beyond Belief’s soothing Witch Hazel toner redesigned in April 2021.


The Dinosaur Farm Brand Identity


Community Arts Create Website Redesign